
  • Residents Forward Community Forum

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    Name: Residents Forward Community Forum
    Date: March 23, 2023
    Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
    Event Description:
    Restoring the Port Washington LIRR Line - 
    With the MTA’s official opening of Grand Central Madison Port Washington has experienced overcrowded trains and cuts in express service.
    During our 55-year history Residents Forward's role has always been to facilitate dialogue and advocate for positive outcomes related to issues that affect the quality of life for the residents of Port Washington.
    Join us on Thursday March 23rd at 7PM in the Jean Rimsky Theater at Landmark on Main Street for a community forum with elected officials and commuter advocates to discuss what we can do to improve the current LIRR schedule on the Port Washington Line. Please spread the word to friends and neighbors, a large turnout will signal this is a priority issue.
    Jeanne Rimsky Theater, 232 Main Street
    Contact Information:
    (516) 767-9151
    No fee - please register at
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